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Join the oldest and largest association for Indian origin students

What do you get by becoming a member?

A family you can rely on, a community you can network with, and a resource that’s there for you. We want to make sure that Indian students have an organization that exclusively works for their interests, locally and nationally.

Access to a community of young Indians

Meet people from your state, region, and nationally through out in-personal and online events that include happy hours, panels, conferences, and much more.

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Jasmine flower

lectures, discussions and events

There’s so much happening all across India and the United States. We want to make sure we’re helping create a discourse that involves academics, speakers, politicians, experts, and everyone in between.

Young Professionals

The fun shouldn’t stop when you graduate. We have exclusive networking events and programming for young professionals in over 25 cities!

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Jasmine flower


From how to transition to how to network to how to be a person of color in the United States. We’ve got it all for Indians and Indian Americans.


Life is hard sometimes. We got you. We provide, in times of need and when funding is available, food, rental, and legal support.

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Jasmine flower


There are over one million young Indian and Indian American in the United States. We’re giving those people a voice to better advocate for your needs.

Employment Resources

It’s a tough job market out there. We provide job referral and recommendations to the best of our ability by the network we’ve built.

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Jasmine flower

Membership card

Who doesn’t want to be a card carrying member of NAAIS? We hope this card in the future gives you discounts on corporate partnerships we’re building on top of getting access to all our events for free!